Post 00 is chartered by the San Otraparte Fire Department in San Otraparte and welcomes youth who seek adventure, friendship and fun!
This program is dedicated towards training tomorrow’s firefighters in conjunction with the San Otraparte Fire Department (SOFD) and the Scouting America. The Explorer Post and the SOFD provide an excellent start to a career as a Firefighter.
The San Otraparte Fire Explorer Post #00 expects commitment and attendance. To be an Explorer in our post attendance is a must and nearly every drill training day must be attended. Above all else the Explorer Post prioritizes safety for ourselves and others
You’re Invited!
Our Post trains at the SOFD Fire Training Center in San Otraparte every 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month from 8-5pm and every Wednesday night from 6-8pm at one of the ten San Otraparte Fire Stations
San Otraparte Fire Training Center
Training Highlights
We as the members of SOFD Fire Explorer Post #00 take great pride in learning about the Fire Service. We expect from each new Explorer commitment to learning and attendance. We expect you to attend nearly every training day because we build upon the skills and some of the training can’t be made up. There are exceptions to this rule as you will learn if selected to be in our post
➢Engine & Truck familiarization
➢Hose Pulls and Ladder Throws
➢SCBA Donning and Doffing
➢Search and Rescue
➢Auto Extrication
➢Rope Rescue
➢Forcible Entry
Special Events
- Fill the Boot fundraiser for Muscular Dystrophy Association
- Toys for Tots drive for U.S. Marine Corps Reserve.
- Fire Safety Expo
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