The DOC will meet monthly, alternating between the 1st Wednesday and the 1st Thursday starting at 7:00 p.m. at the
Alameda Program Office, 714 Everett Street, Alameda, CA 94501.
The District Commissioner’s meeting will be held prior to the DOC meeting at 6:30 p.m. at the same location
Check out the Alameda District Calendar for future meeting dates for the District Operations Committee meetings.
Add DOC meeting events to your calendar

Multiple dates are included in the iCalendar (ICS) file which can be easily imported into your calendar. Help on using ICS file.
District Director
The district executive is the full-time professional in the district. She is employed by the council and works under the direction of the council Scout executive. The district executive welcomes all suggestions and knows that you will need close cooperation to get the job done through volunteers.
District Chair
The district chair is the top volunteer Scouting leader of the district in a defined geographical area, whose job is to motivate a talented team of people. District chairs preside at district committee meetings and represent the district on the council executive board. They are responsible for the membership, program, and fund development functions of the district.
District Commissioner
A district commissioner is the quality control officer who recruits, trains, and leads a staff of commissioners who coach adult leaders of every unit to succeed. The district commissioner is responsible for the unit service function of the district. They are approved and appointed by the council executive board, with the concurrence of the Scout executive, on the recommendation of the district nominating committee.
Fund Development Committee
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The annual Friends of Scouting campaign is the most important finance responsibility of the district. Each district within the council has funding goals based on the potential of the district and the needs of the council. The district fund development chair assists in determining and raising the goals.
Membership Committee
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The district membership committee gathers information on prospective chartered organizations, helps organize new units, reorganizes dropped units and units not meeting, and recruits new members in a systematic way. It establishes and maintains mutually beneficial relationships with major community organizations and strategic alliances, both those with and without Scouting units.
Activities and Civic Service Committee
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The district activities and civic service committee’s job is to provide mountaintop experiences that dramatically capture the attention of the whole Scouting community. This can include: Service project ideas through units’ participation in community projects and civic service activities; Plan, promote, and conduct special Scouting Anniversary Week activities; and Coordinate activities at the district annual meeting and Scouters’ recognition dinner
Annual Recognition Event
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Plan and implement the annual district event to celebrate another year of Scouting and recognize those volunteers and parents who contribute to the success of the units and district activities.
Advancement and Recognition Committee
Stimulate advancement and recognition of Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Varsity Scouts, and Venturers.Ensure units establish and maintain proper advance ment procedures in accordance with national policies. Monitor rank advancements throughout the year and provide assistance to units with little or no advancement.Recommend youth members and unit and district Scouters for special awards and recognition
Awards & Recognition
Prepare and distribute the annual nomination forms to recognize leaders and parents who contribute to the success of our district and its units. This includes Veteran Tenure awards. Recruit members of the nomination review committee to select those to be honored. Prepare the awards, and present them at the annual district recognition event.
Eagle Scout Coordinator
Review and approve Eagle Scout service project plans submitted by Eagle Scout candidates. Recruit members for Eagle Boards of Review and facilitate the Eagle Scout Boards of Review.. Review Eagle Scout candidate appeals if a unit denies their application or turns them down at the board of review.
Camping and Outdoor Program Committee
The district camp promotion and outdoor committee provides outdoor programs that most units are unable to provide on their own, and outdoor programs are often the main reason youth join a Scout unit. From Cub Scout day camp to high-adventure programs, this committee helps make exciting outdoor programs available for Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, and Venturers.
Camping - Cub Scouts
Promotion of Council and District camping opportunities. This can include Day Camping, Tiger Cub Safari, Mom & Cub Camp, Wolf & Bear Adventure Camp, Cub Camping Connection, Webeloree, and Webelos Adventure Camp
Camping - Scouts BSA
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Promotion of Camping and Summer Camp attendance for Troops
Order of the Arrow Advisor - Kaweah
The village adviser works in conjunction with the youth village chief, lodge adviser, lodge chief, district camping chairman, and lodge staff adviser. The village adviser also becomes a member of the district camping committee. The Advisor works closely with the lodge staff adviser to coordinate lodge and village activities and promote harmony between the district camping committee and the district Order of the Arrow membership.
Order of the Arrow Advisor - Wekemnayon
The village adviser works in conjunction with the youth village chief, lodge adviser, lodge chief, district camping chairman, and lodge staff adviser. The village adviser also becomes a member of the district camping committee. The Advisor works closely with the lodge staff adviser to coordinate lodge and village activities and promote harmony between the district camping committee and the district Order of the Arrow membership.
Special Needs & Disabilities Committee
The district Special Needs Committee promotes inclusion by helping unit and district leaders create meaningful experiences for all Scouts. We provide training for adapting the environment, guidance on advancement and program variation, and direct support so that the challenges embedded in Scouting are accessible to Scouts of all abilities.
Training Committee
The district training committee’s job is to get adult leaders trained. You help volunteers find the answers to the two basic questions, “What is my role?” and “How do I do it?” The Scouting America’s leadership training program is designed to meet the needs of each volunteer position. It is varied and flexible enough to reach all leaders through group training experiences, personal coaching, self-study, or on-the-job training. And you will help make this program a dynamic success in your district.
Communications Team
Provides resources to communication information to the District Operating Committee and the district Units and Scouting Families. This includes a website, newsletter, and social media.