Welcome to Troop 00!
As the Scoutmaster of San Otraparte Troop 00, I want to personally welcome you and your family to our Scout Troop and the Scouting America. Troop 00 has a long history in Scouting that dates back over ninety years to our founding in the 1920’s. Our mission is to prepare young men for roles of leadership, for adventure and exploration, and to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Scout Law.
We pride ourselves on being a Troop that is open to all Scouts regardless of their abilities or disabilities. Our members help one another reach their own potential growth through the Patrol Method. Patrols are the building blocks of our Boy Scout troop. The patrol is a small group of scouts who are similar in age, development, and interests. Each patrol working together as a team shares in the responsibility for the patrol’s success.
Troop 00 is a Scout run Troop and as adult leaders we act as guidance counselors to the Scout leaders. The Scouts plan their yearly activities and we help them carry out those plans. I hope that you will find our Troop as exciting and rewarding as the other Scouts do.
Each week I address the 4 pillars of Troop 00. Adventure, Service, Advancement and Leadership. From there it is the Scouts themselves that run and organize our meetings. It’s not always the polished meetings of adults but these Scouts do a great job. You can’t learn without doing. You won’t always succeed but you will always learn. Leadership is no exception.
You’re Invited!
Join Us for Our Weekly Troop Meetings at 7:00 p.m.
Lower Upper Community Center
Monthly Meetings
- Den Meetings – 1st, 2nd, 3rd Tuesday of the month at 7:00 pm (September – May)
- Pack Meetings – 4th Tuesday of the month at 7:00 pm (September – May)
- Leader / Parent Meetings – 1st Tuesday of the month at 6:15 pm (September – May)
Special Events
- Los Mochos Campout
- Advance Camp
- Halloween Parade
- Lake Chabot Campout
- Wildwood Campout
- Winter Camp Awareness on the Hornet
- Bike Campout
- Snow Campout
- L.E.A.D. Training
- Scout Sunday
- Del Valle Campout
- Earth Day Service Project
- Big Basin Campout
- Mt Diablo Campout
- Fishing Derby
- Memorial Day Service Project
- Fages II 20 mile hike
- Lake Chabot Campout
- Wente Summer Camp
- Annual Planning Session