Training Topics


The Boy Scouts of America requires that all registered leaders have a current Youth Protection Training certificate.  This is to ensure that we are all aware of, and practice Safe Scouting for the youth and the adults.

The Golden Gate Area Council Executive Board adopted a YPT policy to reinforce our awareness of Youth Safety. GGAC now requires that all registered adults 18 and over maintain YPT compliance for their entire registration period. As it is currently possible for YPT to expire during that period, this may require the adult to refresh their YPT training on an annual basis.

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Scouting Safety Resources

Adult Training

For more information, check out the National BSA Training page, and the Golden Gate Area Council Training Pages.

Step One: Set Up A My.Scouting Account

Visit My.Scouting and create an account. Once you have an account you can access online training.

Step Two: Take Youth Protection Training

The Boy Scouts of America places the greatest importance on creating the most secure environment possible for our youth members.

Take the BSA Youth Protection training.

Step Three: Position Specific Training

The BSA Learning Center is at My.Scouting. Select your position and a learning plan will be created for you. The plan includes modules that are designed to allow you to complete them at your own pace.

A catalogue of position specific training for all programs is available at the MyLearning page, but you may need to login through My.Scouting first.

Completion of this course is mandatory for a MINIMUM OF ONE adult on a Pack overnighter.

This one-and-a-half day course is designed as an introduction to the Cub Scout outdoor program for leaders interested in adding a camping component to their Pack activities.

BALOO training consists of an online pre-requisite component in addition to an overnight outdoor camping experience. 

Golden Gate Area Council offers BALOO training.

This hands-on program gives adult leaders a practical introduction to the patrol method of a Scout-led troop by teaching many of the practical outdoor skills they need to lead Scouts in the outof-doors. In addition, the teaching methods, activities, and games model the variety of teaching used in effective and engaging Scouting programs.

Golden Gate Area Council and Alameda Area District offer IOLS training along with the Scoutmaster Position Specific Training

Wood Badge is an advanced, national leadership course open only to Scouting volunteers and professionals.

Scouters from Cub Scouting, Scouts BSA, Venturing, Sea Scouts, and Explorers, and district and council Scouters all are welcome and belong here.

Some Topic explored.

  • Listening to youth, parents, and Scouters.
  • Managing conflict
  • Leading change
  • Stages of team development
  • Coaching & Mentoring
  • Leadership for different stages
  • Servant leadership
  • Project planning
  • And more!

Golden Gate Area Council offers Woodbadge training.

Leader Education and Discovery (L.E.A.D.) is the ultimate one-day training event for Scout Leaders, Parents, Volunteers, and Senior Youth. It combines University of Scouting and Pow Wow into one epic leadership event. Join us for an action-packed day of learning, fun, and connecting with fellow Scouters!

Golden Gate Area Council offers L.E.A.D. training event each year.

Seabadge is a leadership and management training focused on the “how-to” aspects of managing a successful youth led Sea Scout program. While Seabadge was developed as an advanced leadership training program for experienced Sea Scout adult leaders the course is open to all adult Scout leaders. The driving theme for the training is to “Focus on Youth”, which makes the course especially valuable for any Scout leader dealing with older youth.

Seabadge does not cover topics like boating, knots, or other program-related materials found in the Sea Scout Manual.

Check out the SeaScouting SeaBadge website for current virtual and in person courses

Powder Horn is a high-adventure resource-management course designed to educate adult and youth involved in the Venturing program about the Ranger Award. This course will give all participants an opportunity to experience the Ranger Award program themselves, and become knowledgeable about how to safely conduct outdoor activities of a fun and challenging nature.

The Powder Horn syllabus is currently undergoing a review to ensure it aligns with the current NCAP and Health and Safety standards.

Check out the BSA National Venturing Adult Training page for more information.

Check out the National Exploring page for more information: Training Safety –

LLD – Lodge Leadership Development
Lodge Leadership Development is the primary training program for local lodges, providing lodge leadership with the skills needed to plan and run a successful lodge program. The LLD program is designed to equip lodges with the tools to stimulate creative ideas and develop lasting solutions that will enable and enhance growth. Yerba Buena lodge holds an annual LLD course.

The LLD seminar is open to all Arrowmen, and encouraged for those who hold, or wish to hold chapter or lodge offices, or to be adult advisors.

Visit the Yerba Buena lodge website for details on the next LLD session.

NLS – National Leadership Seminar
The National Leadership Seminar provides Arrowmen with an opportunity to grow in their leadership through a weekend of intense trainings. Course topics will include making personal belief based decisions, promoting resilience, and cultivating a growth mindset. Arrowmen will bring these new skills back to their lodges to strengthen the leadership within their lodges and chapters.

Adults are encouraged to attend, to learn what the youth are being taught, and to understand how to aid the youth in the growth of their leadership skills.

DYLC – Developing Youth Leadership Conference
DYLC will progress advisers beyond lodge mechanics and operations to establishing a culture within the lodge and chapter that grows youth who are capable of building teams, establishing goals, and guiding the lodge’s work to achieve within the Performance Measurement Program.

Prior participation in the National Leadership Seminar is encouraged, but is not required.

To find out the next NLS or DYLC seminar, check out the OA Registration page

Conclaves and NOAC
In addition there are training sessions as part of the local G17 Conclaves and National Order of the Arrow Conferences.  Visit the Yerba Buena lodge website for details.

Philmont Training Center Conferences
Learn best practices for Scouting from world-class faculty and share experiences with Scouters from across the country at one of more than 50 conferences. You can bring the whole family, as family programming is available for conference attendees.

Philmont Leadership Challenge
Adults learn to internalize and practice their leadership skills in this action-packed backcountry conference. The conference hones the skills taught in Wood Badge in an outdoor experiential learning environment. PLC underscores the values of Scouting and teamwork and promotes the concepts of servant leadership. Open to adult volunteers of all Scouting programs.

Youth Training

For more information, check out the National BSA Training for Youth page, and the Golden Gate Area Council Training Pages..

Click here for the BSA online training for Den Chiefs

This link allows you to launch the online version of the training.  Please note that their is no tracking and if you exit from the training prior to the completion of it and without printing your certificate you will have to restart the training from the beginning.

Den Chief training is often offered during the L.E.A.D training for adults put on annually by the Golden Gate Area Council.

For unit leaders here is the BSA website page on Den Chief training

Introduction to Leadership Skills for Troops
Run by unit leaders and experienced Scouts.  This course will help train Scouts in basic leadership skills.

National Youth Leadership Training
A fantastic course offered by the Golden Gate Area Council to help youth become effective leaders.

ALPS Youth Training

The Venturing A-L-P-S program model provides a framework for a dynamic program of Adventure, Leadership, Personal Growth, and Service. It is grounded in a flexible program of continuous, youth-led adventure, with the recognition system providing Venturers with benchmarks of progress. The following training courses are those training opportunities for each award level.


See the entry in the Adult Column as this is open to youth as well.

Advanced Youth Training

These trainings, while not required for the core Venturing awards program, provide more advanced skills in more specialized focuses. After taking Introduction to Leadership Skills for Crews (ILSC), Venturers may continue on to take National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT), National Advanced Youth Leadership Experience (NAYLE), among many others.

Introduction to Leadership Skills for Ships

The goals of ILSS are to give youth a clearer picture of how their position fits in the ship, help youth understand how they make a difference, and give youth additional tools and ideas for their role as leader.

National Youth Leadership Training
A fantastic course offered by the Golden Gate Area Council to help youth become effective leaders.

Youth must be at least 13 years old and must register for at least one of the CORE courses/programs along with the other conditions listed in the ‘Youth Attendees’ section below.

  • BSA2006 (Den Chief Training)
  • CED5008 (Trainer’s EDGE)
  • YAP3002 (ILSC – Introduction to Leadership Skills for Crews)
  • Certain Sea Scout/Venturing/Exploring courses

All Youth attending LEAD must designate a parent/guardian who will be on-site during the time youth are in attendance.

Youth attending the above CORE courses/programs may register for additional courses ONLY if they are designated as appropriate for youth

See the “Youth Attendees” drop down section of the Golden Gate Area council L.E.A.D. page for details.

LLD – Lodge Leadership Development
Lodge Leadership Development is the primary training program for local lodges, providing lodge leadership with the skills needed to plan and run a successful lodge program. The LLD program is designed to equip lodges with the tools to stimulate creative ideas and develop lasting solutions that will enable and enhance growth. Yerba Buena lodge holds an annual LLD course.

The LLD seminar is open to all Arrowmen, and encouraged for those who hold, or wish to hold chapter or lodge offices, or to be adult advisors.

Visit the Yerba Buena lodge website for details on the next LLD session.

NLS – National Leadership Seminar
The National Leadership Seminar provides Arrowmen with an opportunity to grow in their leadership through a weekend of intense trainings. Course topics will include making personal belief based decisions, promoting resilience, and cultivating a growth mindset. Arrowmen will bring these new skills back to their lodges to strengthen the leadership within their lodges and chapters.

It is encouraged that youth participants be at least 14 years of age, or serve as a lodge officer.

To find out the next NLS seminar, check out the OA Registration page

Conclaves and NOAC
In addition there are training sessions as part of the local G17 Conclaves and National Order of the Arrow Conferences.  Visit the Yerba Buena lodge website for details.

National Advanced Youth Leadership Experience (NAYLE)
NAYLE is the ultimate experience where young men and women can enhance their leadership skills through team building, ethical decision-making, problem solving and service to others. The NAYLE program takes place at the Rayado Ridge Leadership Camp, approximately 8 miles from base camp and situated in the beautiful foothills viewing Urraca Mesa and Crater Peak. The youth participants will camp in a team setting that enables them to use their leadership skills to resolve challenging situations.

Training News

Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation

BALOO Training

Introduction to the Cub Scout outdoor program. Mandatory for a MINIMUM OF ONE adult on a Pack overnighter.


Woodbadge 2024

Wood Badge is an advanced, national leadership course open to Scouting volunteers and professionals.


Sea Scouts




Shooting Sport


Scouting for Food

Order of the Arrow