Roundtable is a monthly program offered by our District that gives leaders hands-on experience and provides a forum for leaders to offer and receive help from their fellow Scouters. There are separate sessions for Boy Scout leaders and Cub Scouts leaders; most Roundtables begin with a joint session to hear announcements and upcoming event schedules that apply to all leaders. The Boy Scout Roundtable session explores a particular activity or area of interest, while the Cub Scout Roundtable provides information about the upcoming month’s planned program theme. In both sessions leaders are encouraged to share their questions, their successes and their failures (usually the latter is the most instructive!).
Helping you, the Scouting leader, is the sole purpose of Roundtable.

Roundtables will be held on the
2nd Wednesday of each month starting in September, starting at 7:00 p.m.
at the
Joaquin Miller Community Center 3594 Sanborn Dr, Oakland, CA 94602
Add events to your calendar

Multiple dates are included in the iCalendar (ICS) file which can be easily imported into your calendar. Help on using ICS file.
Who should attend?
Everybody! Roundtable is designed for all leaders – Venturing Crew Advisers, Scoutmasters, Cubmasters, Webelos Leaders, Committee Members, Assistant Scoutmasters, Den Leaders, Commissioners; every scouting position has a place at Roundtable. In the Cub Scout session there may be separate break-out programs for Wolf and Bear Leaders, Webelos Leaders, Cubmasters, and Pack Administration. Whether you’ve been in Scouting for 40 years, or just signed up last week, Roundtable has a lot to offer you.
Why should I go?
Because Roundtable is by, for, and about YOU, unit leaders, committee members and commissioners! Every job is made easier by sharing the load, and Roundtable takes on the job of creating and presenting your program. Sure, you can make your own program from scratch, but you certainly don’t have to! Roundtable is loaded with ideas, discussion, and demonstrations of all kinds. Got a particular problem you just can’t work out? Come to Roundtable and ask the group – draw on the years of Scouting experience made available just for you.