Alameda District provides activities that supplement, but do not replace, unit activities that packs, troops, teams, crews, and ships organize for themselves.
These special district activities allow youth and adult from different units to come together, on special occasions, to have both friendly competition and cooperation in various Scouting skills. Many of our activities are also community service related, because service learning is part of the 106-plus years of Scouting tradition.
Besides our summer camp, day camp, and family camp programs (see camping/outdoor section), we also have annual District activities and civic service projects, including:
Advancement Day * 4th of July Independence Day Parade * California Coastal Cleanup * National Jamboree Contingent * Popcorn Sales * Pinewood Derby * Scouting for Food * Spring Camporee * Venturing/Sea Scout Activities * Volunteer Recognition Dinner * Webelos Woods
District activities and civic service projects are organized by youth and adult volunteers with the support of council staff. These various events could not be held without financial support from Friends of Scouting donors, because events are held without charge to the participants or with minimal fees (because the indirect and overhead cost of these events is not charged back to participants).