The BSA issues charters annually to community organizations to enable them to serve youth through Scouting programs under leadership they approve and meeting places they provide. Charter renewal (“rechartering”) is the annual process through which each organization certifies its adult members and youth members for a new year, and recommits itself to the Scouting program.
On-time unit charter renewal is critical, and in Alameda District, all units are due to submit paperwork and national member registration fees by December 15. The renewal forms are printed out from the Internet Rechartering software (provided at no charge). Fees are paid by check from either the unit treasury or the chartered organization.
If a unit fails to renew its charter before the expiration date, all youth advancement and adult recognition are suspended, Boys’ Life magazine subscriptions stop, and insurance coverage ceases. So it is very important to complete the charter renewal process on time, even if it means dropping an inactive youth or adult for the time being (with the potential to add him/her back after the new year starts).
Unit Journey to Excellence Achievement forms should also be completed along with the charter renewal paperwork. This BSA website Journey to Excellence has all the information and forms you’ll need.
More information can be found on the Golden Gate Area Council Recharter Resources page